How to specify a MapR distro when launching Elastic MapReduce clusters with the Ruby CLI

Amazon’s Elastic MapReduce Ruby client allows you to specify which of the supported Hadoop distributions to use, currently either Amazon’s Apache 1.0.3-based distribution or MapR’s M3 and M5 editions.

I found the CLI’s option documented at <>:

To launch an Amazon EMR job flow with MapR using the CLI

Set the –with-supported-products parameter to either mapr-m3 or mapr-m5 to run your job flow on the corresponding version of the MapR Hadoop distribution.

The following example launches a job flow running with the M3 Edition of MapR.

elastic-mapreduce –create –alive \
–instance-type m1.xlarge –num-instances 5 \
–with-supported-products mapr-m3

For additional information about launching job flows using the CLI, see the instructions for each job flow type in Create a Job Flow.